Monday, March 28, 2011

Soy-Sesame Roasted Broccoli and a sneak peak at a new blog event

I'm going to be starting a blog event next month.   In a nutshell, this will be a vegan event for recipes that are favorites at your house. The only rule, in addition to the recipe needing to be vegan, is that you have made the recipe three times or more. I'll make a formal announcement with more details  on April 1.

Jacqueline of The Food Blog Diary already has the details, of course. Are you following The Food Blog Diary? If you're not, you should be. Jacqueline has put together a great resource for food bloggers and anyone who loves to read food blogs. If you've ever struggled to find and keep up with all the food blog events out there, you won't need to anymore, as she's done the work for you.

This recipe won't be eligible for my first event as I've only made it once, but I have no doubt that I'll be entering it later on this year.  I can't believe it's taken me this long to try roasted broccoli, but now that I have, I know I'll be making it again and again. It's that good. This is a great recipe for really busy nights, too, as it's quick and almost impossible to mess up.

Soy-Sesame Roasted Broccoli

1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil
1/4-1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
2 crowns of broccoli (about a pound), cut into florets

Preheat oven to 450 F. In a small bowl, whisk together soy sauce, oils, and red pepper flakes. In a medium bowl, toss broccoli with soy sauce mixture. Spread in a single layer in a roasting pan and roast for 10-20 minutes, tossing once about half way through cooking. (I roasted mine for 15 minutes, but it looked pretty tasty at 10.)

Serves 2-4.


  1. have you ever roasted brussels sprouts? fabulous!

  2. I love anything roasted! I actually make roasted green beans in a similar fashion.

    Frugally Green Mom

  3. Sounds like a great event! This recipe is definitely a keeper. Roasted broccoli is one of my veggie go-tos!

  4. Sounds like a fun event, Claire. Count me in.

  5. I was thinking about it the other day - how do people cook vegetables, usually? There are so many easy recipes which are just how I cook my veggies most of the time. Many of them are just boil or roast it and that's it, but others have some simple pairings or techniques that really make the dish. I'm curious about other household's favs.

  6. This caught my eye on Health Freak Food. I wanted to let you know that they must set your page in a frame, since their URL, not yours, is not the one that is showing. I’m going to mention this to them and express my displeasure. I think it’s a great site (I’ve just discovered it) but they should direct traffic to you fully. (Perhaps you might want to email them?)

  7. Wow, thanks for catching that. They're doing that with everybody, it seems. The bad part is that when you visit a site within their frame, you can't even get out of it by clicking around on the site, so you can't bookmark the home page or the recipe.

    Have you seen Finding Vegan? Kathy, the site owner, doesn't do that. Maybe I'll just submit stuff to her.

  8. I just asked the following question at Health Freak Food:

    "Hi, you've published about 3 of my photos from my blog Chez Cayenne. Someone pointed out to me that when linking to a blog, you're keeping the blog within a frame. I guess you have a right to do this, as submitting photos to your site is voluntary. But! None of the recipes can be bookmarked, as all the bookmarks go back to your site. And, you haven't provided a way to get out of the frame. This makes your site pretty useless for anyone using it to find new healthy recipes to cook. So, until this changes I won't be submitting anything else here."

    It will be interesting to see how they respond.

  9. I just checked at Health Freak Food and they've done away with the frames. Yay for responsive blog owners!

  10. I love this recipe, I've been making it about once a week since I found it. I just use a lot more of the sauce mixture because it's so good :)

    1. Thanks, Natasha! I make it all the time, too - now you've tempted me to try more sauce with it next time.


Chez Cayenne has moved! I'm not publishing comments here anymore. I hope you'll follow me to my new spot and comment there.