Thursday, July 1, 2010

Black Bean Burgers

 These burgers are sturdy enough to go right on the grill grate. They were inspired by the Chickpea Cutlets in Veganomicon. I just substituted black beans for the chickpeas, and replaced the spices and flavorings with Southwestern ones. We especially like these topped with guacamole, thinly sliced red onion, and pickled jalapeños.

Happy July 4th, Canada Day, or...what do you celebrate this month?

This goes out to July's My Legume Love Affair, hosted this month by Siri of Siri's Corner.

Oil the burgers and grill well to prevent them from sticking.

Black Bean Burgers
The chopped green chilis are really wet, so if you leave them out, you'll need to add  a couple of tablespoons of water to the mixture. You can leave the corn out - I did this time - and reduce the wheat gluten by 2 tablespoons. You'll still have 6 burgers.

1 15-ounce can black beans, drained
1/2 cup corn kernels, frozen or canned okay
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 4-ounce can chopped green chilis, undrained
3 cloves garlic, run through a garlic press or very finely minced
1 teaspoon chili powder
½ teaspoon cumin
scant 1 teaspoon salt
1 cup bread crumbs
¾ cup vital wheat gluten
Olive oil for coating burgers

Pulse beans, corn, olive oil and chilis in a food processor until there are very few whole beans. Some chunks are okay – don’t make this perfectly smooth. Stir in remaining ingredients except wheat gluten. Sprinkle about ¼ cup of wheat gluten over the surface and stir in. Add another ¼ cup wheat gluten the same way. Repeat with the remaining wheat gluten. (Stirring in the gluten this way keeps it from clumping until it’s blended with the other ingredients.) If necessary,stir in water 1 tablespoon at a time until mixture will just hold together (I didn’t need any water.)

Stir well with a wooden spoon for at least 3 minutes to give the gluten a chance to bind the burgers.

Form into 6 patties. Coat each side with olive oil and grill over medium coals until browned on the outside and cooked through.

Don't eat it all in one bite!


  1. Love the black bean idea and LOVE that these can go on the grill! A defenite must try!

  2. Those burgers look great Claire. We don't celebrate anything this month, but I still want to try these. Maybe I could just celebrate the sun shining :)

  3. Jacqueline, a shining sun is a perfect thing to celebrate.


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