Friday, June 28, 2013

Veganomicon's Lemon Squares and My Favorite New Blog Reader

I wanted to make a new dessert recently and I was in the mood for something different. Since I don't make a lot of desserts, I hesitate to experiment much with them. Thus, I turned to Veganomicon, since everything I've made from it has worked. Lots of people love the lemon squares from the book, so I gave them a try. They're delicious!

I'm not going to rewrite the recipe and post it here, since I didn't change much, but you can see it on No Meat Athlete, among other sites.  My changes were that I used coconut oil instead of Earth Balance margarine, and I added some saffron instead of turmeric to make them yellow. I used just a pinch of saffron and mine aren't as intensely yellow as ones made with turmeric, but I love the color.  Also, I cut mine into 18 squares, not 12. These make a lot, but you can freeze them. Also, I love how Christine at No Meat Athlete made them with key lime juice. Since I can buy fresh key limes here, I'll probably try that next time.

On a completely different note, did you panic when you found out Google Reader was going away? I did, just a little bit.  I follow a couple hundred blogs, especially food ones, and depended on Reader to keep everything organized. I had tried other readers in the past, and nothing worked as well  - I need to be able to skim lots of posts in a hurry, read anything that catches my eye thoroughly with a single click, and not miss anything. Other readers were either too slow to show new posts, or I had to hunt around click too much to read everything. One didn't work at all.

In the comments on another blog recently, someone mentioned that they were using Bloglovin'. I tried it and breathed a huge sigh of relief. I like it better than Reader, even. It's easy to use, has a pretty interface, and it helps me keep up with all my subscriptions.

I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about how to use Bloglovin' because it's so easy. Just go over there and get started. Once you create an account, everything you want to do can be found by clicking on the heart on the toolbar up top.  You can import all of your Reader subscriptions easily (but hurry, Reader will be gone on Monday!). I also added a Bloglovin' button to make it easy to subscribe to Chez Cayenne - it's on the right just above the Facebook gadget.


  1. I love everything lemon, so these really appeal to me. I could see us losing a lot of readers once google readers closes.

    1. Jac, I hope not! I hope all our Reader users have picked out a new reader that they like.


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